The best safari parks, Tanzanie

The 10 Best Safari Parks in Tanzania

Last update : 26/05/2024 15:39

Certainly! Tanzania is renowned for its national parks and wildlife reserves, offering exceptional safari experiences. Here are some general aspects of safaris in Tanzania:

  1. Great Wildebeest Migration: The Serengeti National Park is globally known for hosting one of the most significant wildlife migrations, where millions of wildebeest and zebras traverse the plains in search of fresh grazing.

  2. Ngorongoro Crater: A volcanic crater that houses an impressive concentration of animals, including the Big Five. Safaris here provide spectacular panoramic views.

  3. Diverse Wildlife: Tanzania boasts incredible wildlife diversity, including lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes, rhinoceroses, giraffes, hippos, crocodiles, and a vast array of bird species.

  4. Varied Landscapes: From the endless plains of the Serengeti to the swamps of Tarangire National Park and the shores of Lake Manyara, Tanzanian safaris offer a variety of landscapes to explore.

  5. Hot Air Balloon Safaris: Some parks, like the Serengeti, offer hot air balloon safaris, providing a unique perspective on wildlife and landscapes.

  6. Walking and Boat Safaris: Certain reserves, such as Selous National Park, offer walking and boat safaris, providing different perspectives on wildlife observation.

  7. Cultural Experiences: In addition to safaris, Tanzania offers opportunities to discover local cultures, especially in the surrounding regions where Maasai communities and other ethnic groups reside.

Whether you choose the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, or other regions, make sure to plan your safari with reliable and experienced operators for a safe and enriching experience.

1 - Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

The Serengeti National Park is one of the most famous and iconic national parks in Africa. It is located in northern Tanzania and covers an area of approximately 14,750 square kilometers. The Serengeti is particularly renowned for its annual migration of millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other herbivores across the vast plains in search of fresh grazing grounds.

Here are some key points about the Serengeti National Park:

  1. Wildlife Migration: The annual migration in the Serengeti is one of the greatest natural spectacles on Earth. Massive herds of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals migrate between the Serengeti and the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, following the cycles of rainfall and drought.

  2. Diverse Wildlife: The park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including lions, leopards, elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, hippos, crocodiles, and numerous bird species. The diversity of fauna is attributed to the various ecosystems present in the park, such as plains, woodlands, hills, and rivers.

  3. UNESCO World Heritage Site: Due to its ecological significance and exceptional biodiversity, the Serengeti National Park was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981.

  4. Tourist Activities: The Serengeti is a popular destination for safaris, offering visitors the opportunity to witness African wildlife up close. Safaris can be conducted in 4x4 vehicles, hot air balloons, or even on foot, accompanied by experienced guides.

  5. Conservation: The park plays a crucial role in wildlife conservation and ecosystem preservation. Efforts are made to combat poaching, protect natural habitats, and promote environmental sustainability.

The Serengeti National Park is a natural gem and a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and safari lovers, providing an unforgettable experience at the heart of African wildlife.

2 - Selous National Park

Selous National Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

The Selous Game Reserve, also known as Selous National Park, is a vast protected area located in southern Tanzania. Here are some key points about the Selous Game Reserve:

  1. Size and Significance: Selous is one of Africa's largest game reserves, covering an area of approximately 50,000 square kilometers. Due to its size and biodiversity, the reserve was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.

  2. Diverse Ecosystems: The park is characterized by a variety of ecosystems, including plains, forests, rivers, and lakes. The Rufiji River, which flows through the reserve, is a central feature of its landscape.

  3. Abundant Wildlife: Selous is home to a wide range of wildlife, including elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, and numerous bird species. It is also known for its significant population of crocodiles and hippos along the Rufiji River.

  4. Safari Activities: Visitors can enjoy game drives, boat safaris, and walking safaris to explore the diverse flora and fauna. Boat safaris along the Rufiji River provide a unique perspective for wildlife observation from the water.

  5. Conservation: Selous Game Reserve is dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and ecosystems. However, it faces challenges such as poaching, leading to increased efforts to protect endangered species.

  6. Unique Habitats: The reserve is renowned for its unique habitats, including the Stiegler's Gorge hills, which offer panoramic views of the region.

  7. Accommodations: There are several camps and lodges within the reserve, providing visitors with a range of accommodation options, from camping to luxury lodges.

  8. Access: Selous Game Reserve can be accessed by road from Dar es Salaam or by air, with regional airports in close proximity.

Selous Game Reserve offers a safari experience that is less crowded compared to some other destinations, making it an attractive option for those seeking a more tranquil immersion in the wilds of Africa.

3 - Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

Mikumi National Park is one of Tanzania's national parks, located in the southern part of the country, approximately 283 kilometers west of Dar es Salaam. Here are some key details about Mikumi National Park:

  1. Size and Location: Mikumi National Park covers an area of around 3,230 square kilometers, making it the fourth-largest national park in Tanzania. It is bordered by the Selous Game Reserve to the south.

  2. Fauna and Flora: Mikumi is renowned for its diverse wildlife, including elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, crocodiles, and various bird species. The park's open plains allow for easy wildlife observations.

  3. Varied Ecosystems: The park encompasses various ecosystems, including open plains, forests, hills, and the Mkata River valley that runs through the park.

  4. Accessibility: Mikumi is relatively accessible by road from Dar es Salaam, making it a popular destination for short safaris or day trips.

  5. Activities: Park activities include game drives, walking safaris, and bird watching. All-terrain vehicles enable visitors to explore different parts of the park.

  6. Accommodation: There are several accommodation options within and around the park, ranging from safari camps to luxury lodges, providing visitors with a diverse choice based on their budget and preferences.

  7. Conservation: Mikumi National Park is committed to the conservation of local flora and fauna. It is part of the larger southern Tanzanian ecosystem, which includes the Selous Game Reserve.

  8. Climate: The region generally has a warm climate, with high temperatures during the day. The rainy season extends from November to April.

  9. Bird Watching: Mikumi is also a popular spot for bird enthusiasts due to the variety of bird species present in the region.

Mikumi National Park offers an authentic safari experience, providing the opportunity to observe a range of wildlife in a spectacular natural setting. It is an excellent choice for those looking to encounter Tanzanian wildlife while avoiding larger crowds found in some other parks.

4 - Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Crater, The best safari parks, Tanzania

The Ngorongoro Crater is a remarkable geological formation located in northern Tanzania. Here are some key points about the Ngorongoro Crater:

  1. Geological Formation: The Ngorongoro Crater is the result of the collapse of an ancient volcano, forming a massive crater approximately 20 kilometers in diameter and 600 meters deep.

  2. UNESCO World Heritage Site: Due to its natural beauty, exceptional biodiversity, and geological significance, the Ngorongoro Crater was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.

  3. Unique Ecosystem: The crater creates a unique ecosystem with a high concentration of wildlife. It is home to a variety of animals, including lions, elephants, wildebeests, zebras, buffaloes, rhinoceroses, hippos, and numerous bird species.

  4. Lake Magadi: At the bottom of the crater lies Lake Magadi, a saline lake that attracts many flamingos, creating a picturesque scene.

  5. Safaris: The Ngorongoro Crater is a popular destination for safaris due to the high density of animals and the relatively easy observation facilitated by the crater's topography.

  6. Conservation: As a conservation area, the crater is subject to strict rules to protect the fragile ecosystem. Visiting hours are limited, and camping in the crater is prohibited.

  7. Maasai Population: Maasai communities reside in the vicinity of the crater. Their cattle herds coexist with wildlife, creating a unique balance between humans and nature.

  8. Access: The Ngorongoro Crater is generally accessible from the town of Arusha. Organized safaris, self-drive tours, and charter flights are available to reach the region.

The Ngorongoro Crater offers an exceptional safari experience with a high concentration of wildlife in a spectacular setting. It is a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts exploring Tanzania.

5 - Udzungwa National Park

Udzungwa National Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

The Udzungwa National Park is a national park located in the Eastern mountains of Tanzania. Here are some key points about Udzungwa National Park:

  1. Biodiversity: Udzungwa is renowned for its exceptional biodiversity, hosting many endemic species. The park is particularly known for its unique primates, birds, and plants.

  2. Udzungwa Mountains: The park is situated in the Udzungwa Mountains, an isolated and ancient mountain range. These mountains offer diverse habitats, ranging from lowland forests to mountainous areas.

  3. Waterfalls and Rivers: Udzungwa is adorned with picturesque waterfalls and crossed by several rivers. The Sanje Waterfall, one of the most famous, provides a spectacular view of the surroundings.

  4. Hiking Trails: The park offers several hiking trails that allow visitors to explore the diversity of landscapes and encounter the rich wildlife and flora. The popular hike to the Sanje Waterfall provides an immersive experience.

  5. Fauna: Among the iconic species, the Udzungwa red colobus monkey, an endemic primate, is noteworthy. Visitors may also encounter forest elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and a variety of colorful birds.

  6. Conservation: Udzungwa National Park plays a crucial role in conserving endangered species and mountain ecosystems. It was established with the goal of protecting the unique biodiversity of the region.

  7. Access: The park is generally accessible from the towns of Mikumi or Morogoro. All-terrain vehicles are necessary to reach certain parts of the park.

  8. Climate: Due to the altitude, the climate in the Udzungwa Mountains is cooler than in the surrounding areas. Temperatures can vary, so it's advisable to bring appropriate clothing.

Udzungwa National Park offers a pristine natural experience, with unique hiking opportunities amidst breathtaking mountain landscapes and remarkable biodiversity. It is an ideal destination for nature and adventure enthusiasts.

6 - Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

Ruaha National Park is one of Tanzania's national parks, located in the central part of the country. Here are some key pieces of information about Ruaha National Park:

  1. Size and Location: Ruaha is the largest national park in Tanzania, covering an area of approximately 20,226 square kilometers. It is situated in the Central region of the country, west of the town of Iringa.

  2. Ecosystem: The park encompasses a variety of ecosystems, including savannah plains, hills, rivers, and forests. The Great Ruaha River flows through the park, adding to its biological diversity.

  3. Flora and Fauna: Ruaha is renowned for its rich diversity of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, and a variety of birds. The park is also home to rare species such as kudu, African wild dogs (lycaon), and greater kudu.

  4. Birdlife: With over 570 bird species recorded, Ruaha National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers, making it one of the top birding destinations in Tanzania.

  5. Activities: Activities in the park include game drives, walking safaris, and boat excursions on the Great Ruaha River. Game drives allow visitors to explore the vast expanses of the park.

  6. Seasons: The dry season, from June to October, is generally considered the best time to visit Ruaha due to the concentration of animals around water sources.

  7. Accommodation: There are several safari camps and lodges inside and around the park, offering accommodation options ranging from bush camping to luxury lodges.

  8. Conservation: Ruaha National Park plays a crucial role in wildlife conservation in Tanzania. It is also connected to Udzungwa National Park through a corridor area, creating a larger ecosystem.

Ruaha offers an authentic safari experience with a less crowded atmosphere compared to some other Tanzanian parks, allowing visitors to enjoy the wilderness in a more tranquil setting.

7 - Manyara National Park

Manyara National Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

Lake Manyara National Park is one of Tanzania's iconic national parks, situated in the Great Rift Valley in the northern part of the country. Here are some key details about Lake Manyara National Park:

  1. Size and Location: Lake Manyara National Park covers an area of approximately 325 square kilometers and is located between the Rift Valley Escarpment and Lake Manyara, within the animal migration corridor.

  2. Lake Manyara: The lake, after which the park is named, is a major feature. It offers picturesque views and is often dotted with flamingos, especially during the rainy season.

  3. Fauna and Flora: Despite being relatively small compared to other Tanzanian parks, Lake Manyara National Park is rich in biodiversity. It is home to elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, baboons, and a wide variety of birds, including raptors.

  4. Acacia Forest: Much of the park is covered by an acacia forest, providing a conducive habitat for wildlife. The trees also offer shade to animals during hot days.

  5. Birdwatching: The park is renowned for birdwatching, with over 400 species recorded. Besides flamingos, visitors can see pelicans, ibises, fish eagles, and many others.

  6. Game Drives: Game drives are the primary activity in the park. The tracks wind through diverse landscapes, offering visitors wildlife viewing opportunities.

  7. Cultural Activities: Some lodges offer cultural activities, including visits to local Maasai villages, providing visitors with insights into traditional life.

  8. Rift Valley Escarpment Viewpoint: The Rift Valley Escarpment viewpoint provides a spectacular panoramic view of the Great Rift Valley, Lake Manyara, and the surrounding wildlife.

  9. Manyara Elephants: Elephants in the park are known for their unique behavior of climbing trees to feed on acacia leaves.

Lake Manyara National Park is often included in Tanzanian safari itineraries due to its proximity to other destinations such as Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater. It offers a diverse safari experience in a spectacular setting.

8 - Saadani Park

Saadani Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

Saadani National Park is a national park located in northern Tanzania along the Indian Ocean coast. Here are some key details about Saadani National Park:

  1. Location: Saadani National Park is the only coastal national park in Tanzania. It is situated in the Pwani region, north of Dar es Salaam, offering a unique combination of coastal landscapes, savannas, and forests.

  2. Flora and Fauna: The park is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, hippos, crocodiles, giraffes, and a multitude of bird species. The mix of terrestrial and marine fauna is a distinctive feature of Saadani.

  3. Diverse Ecosystems: Saadani encompasses a diversity of ecosystems, ranging from white sandy beaches to mangroves, savannas, and coastal forests. This provides visitors with a unique safari experience.

  4. Activities: Activities include game drives, boat rides along the Wami River, walking safaris, and excursions to the Indian Ocean beaches. Boat safaris often offer opportunities to observe crocodiles, hippos, and a variety of water birds.

  5. Birdwatching: Saadani is also a fantastic location for bird enthusiasts, with a diverse range of bird species populating the region.

  6. Beach Stay: Some lodges and safari camps provide beachfront accommodation options, allowing visitors to enjoy both safari activities and beach relaxation.

  7. Dry Season: The period from June to October, during the dry season, is often considered the best time to visit Saadani due to increased wildlife visibility.

  8. Local Cultures: Visitors may also have the opportunity to meet and interact with local communities, including fishermen and coastal villages.

Saadani National Park offers a unique safari experience by integrating elements of African wildlife with the stunning coastal landscapes of the Indian Ocean. It is an appealing choice for those seeking to combine a traditional safari experience with beach activities.

9 - Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

The Tarangire National Park is a renowned national park located in Tanzania, East Africa. It is part of the northern circuit of national parks, along with other famous destinations such as Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Here are some key details about the Tarangire National Park:

  1. Location: Tarangire National Park is situated in the Manyara Region of Tanzania, approximately 118 kilometers southwest of Arusha, the gateway to the northern safari circuit.

  2. Size: The park covers an area of about 2,850 square kilometers (1,100 square miles), making it the sixth-largest national park in Tanzania.

  3. Landscape: One of the distinctive features of Tarangire is the Tarangire River, which flows through the park. The landscape is diverse, consisting of riverine forests, swamps, savannah, and vast grasslands. The park is particularly known for its large baobab trees.

  4. Wildlife: Tarangire is famous for its large elephant population, and it is considered one of the best places in East Africa to see these majestic creatures. The park is also home to a variety of other wildlife, including lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, buffalo, and numerous bird species.

  5. Birdlife: The park is a haven for bird enthusiasts, with over 500 bird species recorded, including the endemic ashy starling and the yellow-collared lovebird.

  6. Seasonal Migration: During the dry season (June to October), large herds of animals migrate to the Tarangire River in search of water, providing excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing.

  7. Activities: Visitors to Tarangire National Park can enjoy game drives, walking safaris, and birdwatching. The park is less crowded compared to some of the other northern circuit parks, providing a more intimate safari experience.

  8. Conservation: Tarangire plays a crucial role in the annual migration of wildlife in Tanzania and is an important wildlife conservation area.

  9. Access: The park is accessible by road from Arusha, and there are airstrips within the park for those arriving by air.

Tarangire National Park offers a unique and diverse safari experience, making it a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts visiting Tanzania.

10 - Gombe River National Park

Gombe River National Park, The best safari parks, Tanzania

Gombe Stream National Park is a national park in Tanzania, renowned for its association with the pioneering work of primatologist Jane Goodall. Here are some key details about Gombe Stream National Park:

  1. Location: Gombe Stream National Park is situated in western Tanzania, near the border with Burundi, along the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. The park is accessible by boat or small aircraft.

  2. Size: The park covers an area of about 56 square kilometers.

  3. Primatology: Gombe Stream is particularly famous for the long-term research conducted by Jane Goodall on wild chimpanzees. Her groundbreaking work began in the early 1960s, and the park is one of the few places in the world where wild chimpanzees have been habituated to human presence.

  4. Chimpanzee Population: The park is home to a population of habituated wild chimpanzees, and visitors have the unique opportunity to observe and study their behavior. Besides chimpanzees, Gombe is also home to other primates, such as olive baboons and red colobus monkeys.

  5. Landscape: The park's terrain consists of steep valleys, hills, and forests along the shores of Lake Tanganyika. The combination of tropical forest and lakeside setting makes Gombe Stream National Park a picturesque destination.

  6. Birdlife: Gombe is home to various bird species, and the lake itself supports diverse aquatic life.

  7. Activities: The primary activity in Gombe is trekking to observe and interact with the chimpanzees. Additionally, visitors can enjoy hiking trails within the park, birdwatching, and boat trips on Lake Tanganyika.

  8. Conservation: The park is crucial for the conservation of chimpanzees and their habitat. Conservation efforts are in place to protect both the primates and the surrounding environment.

  9. Accommodations: There are basic accommodations within the park, providing visitors with the opportunity to stay close to the chimpanzee habitat.

It's advisable to check for any updates or changes in regulations, accommodations, or other details before planning a visit

The best safari parks - Where to Stay?

When planning a safari in Tanzania to visit the best national parks, it's crucial to choose accommodations strategically located for easy access to the parks. Here are some popular places to stay based on key safari destinations:

  1. Arusha: Arusha is often the starting point for safaris in Tanzania due to its proximity to Mount Kilimanjaro and its access to northern parks such as Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and Lake Manyara.

  2. Serengeti National Park: Stay in camps or lodges located inside or on the outskirts of the park to maximize your animal observation time during the Great Migration. Areas like Seronera and the Grumeti region are popular.

  3. Ngorongoro Crater: Accommodations near the crater offer spectacular views. Some lodges are situated on the crater rim, while others are in the surrounding areas.

  4. Tarangire National Park: Choose accommodations close to the park to minimize travel time. The Tarangire region offers various lodges and camps.

  5. Lake Manyara National Park: Stay near Lake Manyara National Park to fully experience the diversity of landscapes and wildlife in this region.

  6. Selous Game Reserve: For Selous, stay in camps or lodges located within the reserve for an immersive experience. The Rufiji River area is particularly popular.

  7. Arusha/Moshi for Kilimanjaro: If you plan to climb Kilimanjaro in addition to your safari, staying in Arusha or Moshi is convenient.

Ensure to book your accommodations in advance and consider recommendations from experienced safari operators. They can help you plan your itinerary to maximize your Tanzania safari experience.

The best safari parks - How to get around?

To get around and visit the best safari parks in Tanzania, you have several transportation options. The choice depends on various factors such as your budget, the time you have available, and your preferences for comfort. Here are some common means of transportation for exploring safari parks:

  1. Domestic Flights: Tanzania has numerous regional airports. Taking domestic flights can be a fast and convenient option for traveling between parks, especially if you're visiting remote parks like the Serengeti, Selous, or Ruaha.

  2. Private Vehicle with Driver-Guide: This is the most common option for safaris. You can rent a four-wheel-drive vehicle with an experienced driver-guide. These guides are well-versed in the region, wildlife, and can provide detailed information about the animals.

  3. Group Safaris: Joining an organized group safari can be a more economical option. Groups typically use specially equipped safari vehicles and include a professional guide.

  4. Rental Vehicle: If you prefer more autonomy, you can rent a vehicle and drive yourself. Ensure you choose a vehicle suitable for safari conditions, such as a 4x4.

  5. Organized Transfers: Some lodges and camps offer organized transfers between parks. This can be a convenient option if you book a safari package with specific accommodations.

  6. Bus and Public Transportation: Public transportation is less common for safaris, but there might be buses or shuttles between certain destinations. However, this may not be the most convenient option for remote parks.

  7. Balloon Safaris: In certain regions, such as the Serengeti, hot air balloon safaris are also offered, providing an exceptional panoramic view of wildlife and the landscape.

Before choosing your mode of transportation, make sure to plan your itinerary, consider the distances between parks, and consult local safari operators for personalized advice based on your needs and preferences.

The best safari parks - Best period

Tanzania is a popular safari destination throughout the year, but there are specific periods that may be more favorable for certain experiences, particularly concerning the Great Migration in the Serengeti National Park. Here are some considerations when planning a safari in Tanzania:

  1. Great Migration in the Serengeti:

    • June to July: This is the time of the Great Migration in the western part of the Serengeti, with millions of wildebeest and zebras crossing the Grumeti River.
    • July to September: The migration continues to the northern part of the Serengeti, with the crossing of the Mara River at the border with Kenya.
  2. Best Time for Wildlife Viewing:

    • June to October: During the dry season, grass is shorter, making wildlife observation easier. Animals gather near water sources, enhancing the viewing experience.
  3. Animal Births:

    • January to February: This is the calving season for many animals in the Ndutu region, located southeast of the Serengeti.
  4. Rainy Season (April and May):

    • Although this period is less popular due to rain, some regions, like Tarangire National Park, can be very green and suitable for bird watching.
  5. General Climate:

    • June to October: Dry and cool season with pleasant temperatures.
    • November to May: Rainy season with warmer temperatures.
  6. Cultural Festivals:

    • If you're interested in festivals and local culture, various tribes, such as the Maasai, celebrate different events throughout the year.

In summary, the ideal time for a safari in Tanzania depends on your specific preferences. The months of June to October are generally recommended for wildlife viewing, while the Great Migration is particularly captivating in June and July. Be sure to check the specific conditions of each park you plan to visit and consult a safari operator for personalized advice based on your interests.

Last update : 26/05/2024 15:39

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